Selling Rental Property in Cleveland? Tired Landlord?

We Buy Rental Properties For Cash

Are you a real estate investor thinking about selling rental property? We buy rental properties for cash in the Cleveland Ohio market. Sell your rental real estate 100% as-is, with no realtors, & no costs to you. We buy occupied rental properties with tenants in leases.

Click the button to get a quick, fair cash offer you can trust.

We are landlords ourselves. So we understand the hassles of owning AND selling rental real estate in the Cleveland market. That’s why we simplified the process of selling your investment properties.

We Offer A Hassle-Free Solution to Sell Your Rental Real Estate

If you’re an investor ready to sell your rental real estate then we offer you a quick and hassle-free solution. We buy rental real estate and investment property for cash in Cleveland and throughout Ohio.

Buying rental property in the Cleveland market is our specialty. You can get cash for your rental real estate in as little as 14 days.

Have tenants in place? No problem. We buy rental property in the Cleveland, Ohio market even with tenants actively renting it. Sell your investment property no matter your situation or the property’s condition. We buy:

  • Rentals with problem tenants
  • Rentals with tenants in active leases
  • Damaged rental houses, even ones that have been trashed by tenants

What Are the Benefits of Selling You Rental Property to Us For Cash?

Here’s some of the benefits of benefits of selling your rental real estate to us for cash:

  • Sell your rental as is – make no repairs or preparations
  • Sell your rental with tenants in place (even problem ones) – no worrying about having the rental vacant
  • Close fast – in as little as 14 days
  • Cut out the agents and save thousands on agent commission and fees.
  • Pay no traditional closing costs or fees.
  • Get cash – you don’t have to worry about mortgage contingencies, appraisal contingencies, etc.

Investors we’ve purchased properties from in the past comment about our soft and friendly approach. You won’t get a hard sell with us. If you are not completely satisfied with the offer we make to buy your house, you don’t have to accept it. No charge. No fees.

Selling your rental property can be done with in a few weeks!

Interested? You can get a no-obligation cash offer in just 24 hours and close whenever works best for you.

Get a Cash Offer for Your Cleveland Rental Within 24 Hours

We’d love to talk to you today about your Cleveland area rental and your situation. We’re here to help even if you decide not to sell your house.

Are you ready to get a confidential, 100% free offer for your rental house? Click below to get started.

Meet John, the Tired Landlord

frustrated landlord - selling rental property

John has been a tired landlord in Cleveland for years, which means he has been dealing with bad tenants, repairs and headaches for years.

Last month John, the tired landlord had to deal with yet another eviction, and his roof needed to be replaced which cost him $5,000 to repair.

John is tired of being a landlord and dealing with the hassles of bad tenants. He has to fight with them to pay their rent every month. He is tired of the repair bills and costs. Even though John is a good guy and takes care of his tenants they still never fail to complain about every small thing. Even though John has gone through the process before he is also sick of dealing with evictions.

John is a tired landlord. For years he has wanted to sell a rental house, but he didn’t know when the right time was. Now he’s convinced that selling a rental property or two is the right decision.

John Knows Selling Rental Property is Tough

John’s stressing out because selling rental property with tenants is tough. He doesn’t really know the best way to sell a rental house because he’s never done it before.

Our tired landlord wants out as fast as possible. But, he isn’t sure of his options. But John knows selling rental property with tenants could potentially be a nightmare.

He doesn’t want to pay for a realtor because he knows he’ll end up doing most of the work himself.

John discovers an alternative; a cash house buyer that will give him a cash offer within a day. John is ecstatic to find out he can have his rental property sold in a few weeks!

Whether you decide to sell your house to us or not, we would like to help answer questions you might have about the process.

Are You a Tired Landlord in Cleveland, Ohio? Here’s the Problem.

rental house - selling rental property
Are you a tired landlord? Did you know you can sell rental property fast & as-is?

Owning investment real estate can cause some serious stress. It can turn you into a tired landlord thinking about selling a rental house or maybe selling all of your rental properties.

Rentals require constant maintenance, repairs and hiring unreliable, costly property management companies. You have to deal with bad tenants, evictions, and complaints. It can be one headache after another.

There are several reasons why an owner might turn into a tired landlord.

Outside of the hassles is the cost to maintain your property and make repairs. Unexpected expenses and repairs can severely erode your profit margin and create negative cash flow. This deters most landlords, and has them asking “should I be selling my rental property?” “

Not comfortable with the possibility of losing money on your rental property? If you have gotten to the point where you have become a tired landlord and are thinking about getting rid of an investment property then just selling might be your best option.

Property Management Companies Usually Help Create Tired Landlords.

Many rental property owners use property managers to manage their units. They are supposed to be a turnkey solution. But property management companies can result in unnecessary costs and more hassles. You very well may end up selling your rental because you picked a bad property manager.

Property management companies are an added expense. They further subtract from your cash flow. They take 10% of your rental income, no matter if you make money or not.

The expenses don’t end with monthly management fees. Property managers are notoriously known to overcharge for simple repairs. A leaky faucet can turn into a several-hundred-dollar call to a “trusted” contractor. Even with a keen eye, property management companies can take advantage of you.

Problems with tenants

Dealing with tenants is one of a landlord’s most burdensome duties, and bad tenants can definitely turn a landlord into a tired landlord. When hiring property management groups you trust them to deal with high-maintenance renters, whether they are bad tenants or not. Yet, property management often don’t know what to do when tenants tear up your house.

Sometimes accepting bad tenants cannot be avoided. To prevent monetary loss, property management companies will fill a rental with the first tenant that applies. They’ll often forego an extensive background check. This is a costly mistake. Bad tenants can default on lease agreements or steal appliances or furniture. They can even do irreparable damage to your property!

Large property management companies have competing priorities concerning handling your rental home. These management companies will be juggling multiple landlords and their rental properties. They’ll often mishandle or neglect your property due to the sheer volume of complaints.

These problems have many landlords wondering if selling an investment property or two is the best decision.

The Problem With Selling a Rental Property With A Real Estate Agent in Cleveland, Ohio

Property management companies can be an expensive, unreliable option to maintaining your rental property. If you are a tired landlord who is sick of dealing with the expenses, bad tenants, and bad management companies then selling your home might be your best option. Most landlords will consistently ask themselves if selling is the best option.

Most sellers consider using a realtor when selling their rental property. But, many real estate agents are ill-equipped and have a hard time selling a house with tenants.

Agents also must be mindful of a current tenant’s right to refuse showings. Showing a home to potential buyers is key to selling residential property. If the tenant is unwilling to show or unable to keep the property in showroom condition, you may lose out on a sale.

Coordinating showings with buyers is definitely one of the hardest things when trying to sell a rental property.

It can be a nightmare, especially if your tenants aren’t helpful.

It’s true. Some tenants can be uncooperative and downright hostile during the selling process. Others refuse to pay the last month’s rent before closing.

Please know that most times it will be your responsibility, tired landlord or not, realtor or not, to step in and coordinate the showings with your tenants. Even with an agent, you should expect to do a lot of work when listing a rental.

In short, think carefully before hiring an agent to assist in selling rental property with tenants. Take your time and consider if it is the best strategy. Don’t sell with a realtor just because. Decide whether a realtor, the showings and everything else is worth the headache and added costs (ie. commissions, repairs, etc.).


If you’re selling rental property because you’re a tired landlord then you need to determine the easiest and fastest way.

In many circumstances, selling to a house buying company is the best option because there are no showings, open houses or repairs involved. Cash house buyers will often give you the simplest and least stressful solution if and when you you have decided that selling rental property is your best option.

You don’t have to stress over tenants.

You don’t have to evict tenants living in the rental property. Selling rental property to a house buying company means you can sell without evicting tenants.

Rid yourself of bad tenants and costly property management fees in a quick, easy, cash sale without using an agent. House buying companies buy homes as-is, even those in poor condition due to disrespectful tenants.

You also don’t have to worry about selling rental property with an active lease agreement to a house buying company either!

House buying companies have the expertise to handle even the stickiest lease agreements and tenants.

In short, house buying companies allow you to sell your rental house without worrying about tenants. You also don’t have to worry about repairs, additional fees, or leasing agreements.

If you’re tired of being a landlord, selling to a house buying company could be a dream come true. Selling to a we buy houses company will transition you from a tired landlord back to a normal person again.

Fill out the form below to get started. Someone from our team will reach out for a free consultation.

*Your information is strictly private. By clicking the button, you give consent for Sesa Properties to contact you by telephone, mobile device (including SMS and MMS), and/or email about your inquiry. Should you have questions please contact us at or call 216-877-8430.

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We Buy Rental Property in Cleveland and Throughout Ohio

If you have a rental property you want to sell in Cleveland or in Ohio we can help. Get a fair, quick cash offer for your rental today. Our offers are 100% obligation free and cost NOTHING. You really have nothing to lose. Find out how much we can offer and close in as little as 14 days.

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